HSC is a big place. Our House System connects students through common goals and a shared sense of identity.
The House System is one of our oldest and most successful traditions that we use to bring our community together. It provides a continuum for the purpose of mentoring, special activities, service and competition.
Each House combination boasts its own colour (red, blue, orange or yellow) and each is named for a Canadian tree or Scottish river—a nod to HSC’s founders. Family members are placed in the same House across generations. Each House is supervised by staff members and student House officials.
New students are sorted into a House early in the school year. In the Middle School, the Co-Captains are voted into office by the other students in the House and by faculty. Students are awarded points for achievement in academics and activities.
There are awards granted at various levels of point accumulation and several prizes awarded annually for the Houses contributing the most to College life.